About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
One day I figured it out while reading Norman Lewis's 'Word Power Made Easy'. Most of my traits match to a special kind of personality called 'Introverts'. I am slow to start things up socially but get along really well once I am sure of the way to go !

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Talking India

India, is not the name of a country. It's a feeling of a billion people which is generally seen scattered around cluttered in so mean problems. But it comes to forefrunt when there is a need. Be it a natural calamity like the quake in gujrat or be it the foreign challenge to Indian sovereignty.

Why are there so many problems around us then ?

The root of the problem lies with the common man, The 'aam aadmi'of India. We Indians feel very proud while talking about our great cultural,mythological and scientific contributions to this world but mostly feel embarassed to tell these to others. We ourselves don't know-why ?

The Indian Politics

History tells that India is a country which has seen so many great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Netaji etc.(Some may argue on few names)But their days are gone. These are the days when a dreaded criminal facing charges of National disgrace announces his candidacy from a very town of the same country ! How could all this be allowed at all ?! President's post is seen merely as a RUBBER STAMP. Corruption and crime are at their life time best in Indian politics.

Booming Economy

Yet the dilemma is this. Economy is racing to attain a splendid double digit growth in spite of all these. This shows the true potential of New India. Someone has rightly said - ' Next Bill Gates would be an Indian.'

Behaal Sports

Country of a Billion could not produce a single sportperson who could win an Olympics gold medal in an individual sport event ! Even the game recognised as 'religion' cricket could give us just one world cup till date, that too long back , despite having the richest cricket board in the world. What to talk about the national game then!! The problem here is mal-administration and misuse of resources-nothing else.

.... To Be Continued some other day when I feel Indian again ....

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