I already had a job, a zero week job offered by Cisco Systems with a healthy package. Yet i felt like going for ' Yahoo ! ' because it could give me a chance of working in hardcore internet application field and a challenging job because they have great competitors. So i went for it. Test paper was very good, almost tough. But i kept the tradition of making it to short lists going. Now i again became confused of whether i should try for it or not. At the last moment, while leaving for the interview, i decided to give it a try. I had three rounds of interviews which lasted almost two and a half hours. First two rounds were technical. They asked few complicated questions about trees and files. Final round was more of an HR. The guy also asked a few puzzles which i think i cracked easily. After that they put up a shortlist of eligible candidates for the online test. Only two guys could make it to the shortlist including me.
Online problem was a little tougher. I fought hard to make the code run. It lasted almost two and a half hour again. I was disappointed as i thought i didn't do well enough. But surprisingly they called me up at VFAST and offered the job. I felt so proud to be there. It was a great feeling. I would always cherish the moments.
yahoo...great...congrats man[:)]
Thank you so much !
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