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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
One day I figured it out while reading Norman Lewis's 'Word Power Made Easy'. Most of my traits match to a special kind of personality called 'Introverts'. I am slow to start things up socially but get along really well once I am sure of the way to go !

Monday, April 28, 2008

T2 on traffic woes

category: Fantasy
target: Traffic problems
26th April, 2008
8.40 PM

One fine day, T2 accidentally lands on earth (So he must be an alien) while on an inter-planet trip. Fortunately (or unfortunately), place where he ended up was a busy Bangalore traffic signal. He was frightened to see some things - having two shiny eyes, different sizes (some small...others larger), different shapes and making different noises. But he was quite intelligent. Very soon he realized that these were sort of vehicles used by inhabitants of earth to go to places. Then, why did they have to stop in between ? Nobody gets down but the vehicle is stationary ! He was pretty surprised when realized(through his own understanding) that because there are too many vehicles in each direction, few have to stop to let others go.

''How could they be so dumb? (Traffic system of his own planet flashed into his mind) Why do they run vehicles only at the surface? Why can't they utilize the whole space God has given them, as we do it ! They could build parallel paths one over another at suitable heights and design new type of vehicles to commute easily, effectively and quickly. Why don't they think in that direction ? They must be technically backward'', he thought. I will look odd if i stay here any longer. He did something with his wristband and flew away in a flash.

26th April, 2008

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