About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
One day I figured it out while reading Norman Lewis's 'Word Power Made Easy'. Most of my traits match to a special kind of personality called 'Introverts'. I am slow to start things up socially but get along really well once I am sure of the way to go !

Friday, June 13, 2008

Six eventful months: My PSII at HP Labs

completing a project, 10 days at IISc, getting a publication, becoming a graduate and visiting so many places.... eventful six months !! Tomorrow onwards, i'll say i am a graduate. No more a student (well ! at least for now, till i decide my fate) ! Emotions are flowing....mixed feeling...happy for a few things and sad for others. Most painful of all is to leave BITS, Pilani and my dearest BITSian friends behind....how much you try you usually never catch up again !!

I have to rush now... some other time on PS, IISc and of course BITS, Pilani.......my alma mater !

between everything... cheers to a recent computer science graduate from BITS, Pilani... :)

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