About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
One day I figured it out while reading Norman Lewis's 'Word Power Made Easy'. Most of my traits match to a special kind of personality called 'Introverts'. I am slow to start things up socially but get along really well once I am sure of the way to go !

Friday, October 10, 2008

I Love media :D

Just a few months back, when India and Australia were giving each other some really hard time ..media was all over it, debating what does the 'right spirit of game' mean. Most of them came out with the conclusion that they should limit themselves to exchanging prolonged stares and nothing more than that, they should not claim contentious catches etc etc.

Now when India followed the 'ICC Guidelines' ...they were taken aback. They wanted some news. Whole seven hours of play went by and no news of exchange of words ! They also need something for telecasting till next day :P. Few of them came up with stupid headlines which marked their frustration more than anything else.

"From fierce to antiseptic cricket' claimed one news channel.

My Comment to the editor of that headline: Go get a life..dude !


Anand Mohan said...
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Anand Mohan said...

gud one dude :)

Vishal Gupta said...

thanks buddy :). I watched one day's play during the recently concluded test match. Check my new post on that! :)