It seemed like just another day, even boring then the others. I thought we are gonna listen to a few traditional speeches and then a little refreshment will follow. I had already got to know that party begins on time. And just half an hour delay is not late enough by Bitsian standards. I filled a form for BITSAA membership. It was the first blow which ripped my heart apart. Suddenly a thought crept in mind, You'll no longer be a student of BITS,Pilani. Within a few days, you'll have to leave this lovely town which has given you so many memorable moments.
Then came the VC address and now it was taking it's toll. I somehow managed to stay calm. It was amazing to listen to him. He used apt words to motivate us. Few batchmets too took the opportunity to share a few of their experiences, some sang and a few others told poems. All in all, it was a great feeling to be there. I was sad but i didn't want to be happy either ! It was an unique feeling, something i may never witness again.. I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest ! Then i witnessed the best part :-), snaps with my dear ones, with my wingies and batch mates.
When finally it got over, I was content. I knew, this place has given me much more than I ever anticipated. So many friends, wingies, lovely juniors and above all a humanistic approach to life. This place has brought man out of this little child. I will always cherish those amazing moments. Those were the best days of my life.
About Me

- Vishal Gupta
- Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- One day I figured it out while reading Norman Lewis's 'Word Power Made Easy'. Most of my traits match to a special kind of personality called 'Introverts'. I am slow to start things up socially but get along really well once I am sure of the way to go !
Friday, November 30, 2007
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all the best for the future!
Thanks dear :) !
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